24 January 2007

My Blog

Welcome to my new blog site. You are reading the very first post!

Ok--it's true. For an IT guy, I've been a little slow to jump on the blog (web + log) bandwagon. Two years ago, or 2 ya*, I built a site using WordPress. It never made it to print.

This time around, I opted to go with Google's Blogger service to create my online thoughtspace. Since the inception of the Internet giant's Gmail service, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have had me hanging by the threads of their shirttails. It's difficult for the average techie to stay on top of all the innovative products rolling out of Mountain View, CA--and using Blogger as the backbone of my site is mainly a way for me to further explore Google technology. I will incorporate a few other bits of Google stuff into my blog as well. GoogleCalendar, for instance, is implemented in monthly agenda form on my blog's sidebar.

Check it out.

* per Hugh Mason, my high school Earth Science teacher (Earth is ~4.5 bya)


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, Seth. It is the first one I have read. I know there are many from gourmet cooks that I would enjoy. Yesterday I read a great article in the Washinton Post about Google's 11 "cafeterias" built on the actual site where their business is based. They are building 5 more cafeterias. The chefs are well-known and skilled. The food is very gourmet. They spend $10 per employee per lunch and order from any of their cafeterias. They believe that they save time because no-one leaves the business site, and people are well fed. The weight that people gain working there is jokingly called the "Google 15".
"Aunt Dut"

Anonymous said...

cool. xxxmom

Seth C. Burgess said...

An excellent perk for Google employees!!! I dare say I wouldn't mind starting out each day knowing that a gourmet meal was calling my name. Here's to mindful Corporate Culture...

Anonymous said...

well charlotte at the bluff has her first frozen pipe the hot water in th kitchen sink. LandLord is it worth it? Told her to open up cabinet doors hopefully we release. Toby keith exspect him to be a wrestler on wwf.

Anonymous said...

well as of 2:45 saturday the cottage pipe had relesed itself but, plunging temps next week gives me a cold shiver down my spine

Seth C. Burgess said...

I'm actually GLAD to finally have some colder weather so that I can get out and do some snowboarding and XC skiing!

Of frozen pipes--does that mean there are also frozen floating mice in the cistern?

Anonymous said...

Now we do not talk about a few mice in the cistern. Was it not something like this that started the black plague. I have only soup spooned one mouse this year charlottes cats must be enjoying themselves. stuck in wonderful newark hospital this sat. and sunday. Please lord show me a way out of this working world and of course keep my health!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hit deer on 104 near preemption rd. 1200$ damage. plastic cosmetic work only. deer dead. READING HUNTERS OF DUNE; WATCH OUT FOR THE HONERED MATRE. At my friends Craig Mcnielly's house in syracuse. played poker last night won about 50$ waitng around to head downtown to start festivities for 4pm SU vs. Depaul game. TRIVIA GOSSIP: CHARLIE BECKER TAKING CHARLOTTE AND THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR ANNUAL SU GAME.

Seth C. Burgess said...

Go SU--I bet you & Charlie both were sweating bullets of angst as the Orange's lead was slipping away yet again. At least it turned out out right for Boeheim, if not for the deer.

Will you be grilling venison patties for the BIG SHOW tomorrow night?

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