Friday morning (7 Apr)--after having served a 0200-0400 duty shift the night before--I took my truck down to the Auto Skills Center on post to have the brakes worked on, in preparation for a drive to Atlanta. On Saturday (8 Apr), my barracks roomie and I departed Columbus for the 3:55pm ET New York Mets vs. Atlanta Braves baseball game. The drive was a one-way time-eater of about 90 minutes.
The game ended 5-3 in Atlanta's favor. It was a cold sit in the lower 40s with strong gusts of wind. Below is a shot of a critical fielding error made by Shawn Green of the Mets.

Check out my Picasa Web Album to see more photos from the game! Picasa, of course, is another Google production.
great photos
Having my Rebel XT as company helped to distract from the cold & windy 40 deg. Atlanta air!
Nice photos, Deet. I'll have to check your website more often!
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