I don't understand bands or filmmakers or whatever who oppose sharing, having their work be shared with people, because I think it only increases your fanbase.

'Sicko' is a typical Michael Moore production, this time exploring the downfalls of the United States Healthcare System. The true release is scheduled for 29 June, one week after the leak. I'll make no comment on his work, however Moore does make a point. I'll even further his statement that sharing is profitable for the artist in the long run by saying that the practice itself has been hugely profitable to the United States. The sharing of the arts is a part of what has made America such a diverse and wonderful place. Without 1950s Rock 'n' Roll, vinyl records, and neighbors down the street, what would American Culture be like today?
"You know, when I was a kid... I remember someone giving me a cassette tape of an album called London Calling by a group called The Clash. Suddenly I became a Clash fan. From that point on, I bought their albums and I went to their concerts. And they ended up making money off me - because somebody gave me a free tape of their music. [read article]
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