A few weeks ago I changed my primary library in the
OWWL Pioneer Library System to the
Sodus Free Library in Sodus, NY.
I haven't used my OWWL card in years--having lived in Monroe County for the majority of the last 5 yrs. as an RIT student.

The OWWL acronym itself represents the counties the library system serves: Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston. It is basically a networked system of libraries allowing a cardholder to reserve materials from any of the connected libraries and on a given date, pick up those materials at the cardholder's primary library.
Thus, as Sodus is just off Rt. 104 on my drive between work in Rochester and home in Huron, I chose SFL as my home station.
Sodus Free Library News blog and
SFL Calendar of Events & Closings are two resources I've just discovered and are maintained by the Library Director, Carol.
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