The taste of truly flavorful coffee has been a part of my life ever since being served my first, free Kenya Peaberry espresso by Roastmaster Seth Appell in Bisbee's Peddler's Alley. That day, my buddy Jim brought home a 1 lb. bag of the same, which we thoroughly enjoyed at our Sierra Vista TDY home. A consequent trip to Bisbee brought me back to Peddler's Alley (this time on purpose) and another friend, Andrew, purchased one of the great Old Bisbee Roasters' sampler packs.
By the time Jim's bag of Kenya Peaberry beans was empty, it was about time for me to make the long drive back to New York in my Av. I have been ordering my coffee online from www.oldbisbeeroasters.com since. The orders are roasted and mailed on the same day, and when that aroma that can only mean Old Bisbee Roasters gushes out of the mailbox, life is good for another month.
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