The man who smudges your door on the way inside will be the same man who picks you up when you fall...
This statement followed an idea where those with the cleanest white shirts may be the most unclean, and those with the stained shirts may be the most clean. Michael Savage is a smart man! Again and again, I find there is a gem waiting to uncovered in every conversation.
Feeling a little dense, here. What does this mean, to have my door smudged? And what does it have to do with what the smudger does when I fall?
A person who has worked hard during the day, or perhaps done good work with his/her hands will have something to show for it. In our case here, this would be soiled hands--which over time with habitual good work will leave its mark on doorframes or lightswitches, places where hands brush before retiring from the work of the day.
The prevailing idea being that people who do good work are people who care, and people who care do not think twice about offering a hand to those in need.
Also, the act of smudging is the product of our labors rubbing off on the world in which we live...
I might have asked a question similar to Christy's and you've done a nice job explaining!
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